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Showing posts with the label Japanese

Zibits Bio Metal Armor Mini R/C Robots 2-Pack with Spex and Shox

The Future of Japanese Robotics

The Future of Japanese Robotics The Japanese has always been a keen bunch for the world of robotics. They are so engrossed in the robotics industry that they constantly introduce new kinds of hi-te ch robots to the global market, while the rest of the world is struggling to keep up. In fac t, robots are already taken for granted in some Japanese factories, as t here a re robots eve rywher e. Robots greet you when you enter fac ilitie s. Robots mak e sush i. Robots clean the floors. They wash your hands. They serve tea. They plant rice and tend paddies. In Japan, hu mans a nd robots interact socially as they routinely live side by side. The Future of Japanese Robotics               The Future of Japanese Robotics The Future of Japanese Robotics The Future of Japanese Robotics Financial statistics on robotics The robotics revolution is extremely important for the Japanese. With approximately 25% of the population at age 65 ...