Free Anime Movies The term "Anime" refers to Japanese animation movies, sometimes called as Japanimation. Japanese comics called Manga heavily influence Anime movies. They are made of bright colors and stylized images with variety of settings and storylines. They cater to a large and varied audience all over the world. Free Anime Movies Free Anime Movies Free Anime Movies Free Anime Movies The term Japanimation preceded Anime but has now fallen to disuse. Earlier, in the1970's and 1980's the term was common. But in 1990's, animation movies reached worldwide market, so Japanimation refers now only to domestic animation. In Europe, Japanese animation is also called as Manga after the Japanese comics. Osamu Tezuka's "Astro Boy" in 1963 was the first popular Anime series. In the 1970's the Japanese animation industry split from its Western roots and started unique genres like Giant Robots . The 1980's saw a boom in a...
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